“Shelley Mitchell’s brilliant theatrical adaptation of Talking with Angels is a true and valiant rescue story that took place in the darkest period of the Holocaust in my native Hungary. Her bold rendition of this depraved time confronts the unspeakable consequences of man’s inhumanity to man and is at the same time uniquely uplifting and hopeful. This timely message of personal responsibility enriches our social fabric.”
“FACED WITH THE apocalyptic tone and terror of the Reagan era, Tony Kushner famously imagined angels helping us mortals to rise to our full stature and potential. Since the Bush era, far from retreating from those dark times, has only improved on them, the spiritual-political project Kushner envisioned might seem more vital than ever. Certainly, Shelley Mitchell’s skillfully honed one-woman stage adaptation, Talking with Angels, will convince you of that. ”
“Shelley Mitchell’s performance is superb. She switches between Mallasz and her heavenly tutors with effortless physical ease. A slight change in posture and a subtle vocal transformation is all she needs to make the changes utterly believable. She makes it look easy but her technique is honed with pinpoint precision. She is an enigmatic presence and her characters crackle with spiritual life. ”
— BROADWAY BABY (Edinburgh, Scotland)
“A simple story, with a lot of depth. …During the performance she transforms back and forth, in seconds, from Mallasz to the angels. Without leaving the stage. She does this with such conviction, that the spectator forgets that there is only one woman on stage! …Mitchell has no need of gimicks or devices to constantly change from thirty-five year old woman into a supernatural being. ”
“…A portrayal with such leisurely, lifelike timing,…Mitchell transforms into something between a dancer and a shaman. ..Its excruciating beauty derives from its simplicity, its purity and the veracity of its harrowing stories. ”